What to Expect – Bullet Journal Planning

Thank you so much for coming over to visit my blog.  I thought it might be useful if I gave you a little taste of what to expect, so you know whether to run for the hills!  So here’s a quick summary of what’s coming up:

  •     Exploring your big goals in life
  •     Finding ways to help make sure you are consistently working towards these goals
  •     Considering ways to incorporate these into your bullet journal planning
  •     A six week planning challenge

All designed to help you journal with purpose


I’ve included some details in ‘My Set-up’ of the journal system that I use so that you can see which sections I am referring to throughout this blog.  I have also included an ‘About Me’ page and I would love you to introduce yourself, along with where I can find you on Social Media.  I am active on Instagram and Pinterest and have just launched a YouTube channel, so I would love to see you there too.

Why Blog?

I started this year a little out of sorts, kind of fine, but not really feeling I was doing enough with my life.  Finding myself googling things like ‘why am I always tired?’ made me realise I needed a bit of a change.  I live with my wonderful partner, cheeky daughter and awesome dog – I should be leaping out of bed with a smile on my face every day, shouldn’t I?

I was watching my daughter consider all of her choices, such as which subjects should she take at school, which college should she go to and what sort of career would she like.  Whilst being excited for her, it made me feel a certain sense of loss.  She is still approaching her adult life, full of potential with no limits and all those wonderful choices to make.  It made me wish I could be that age again – who knows what I might have become!

Then it dawned on me…hang on…why am I writing myself off?  I get to make choices about my life and future every single day. If my life’s not very exciting, then I’m clearly not making very exciting choices.

So, I started exploring a few different areas to help me re-focus my life.  I had some Christmas presents which significantly changed how I decided to approach life.  They were a book called ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ by Robin Sharma, a book about Mindfulness and a journal.  It was the combination of these presents that lead me to the accidental discovery of the wonderful Bullet Journal community.

Book Pile.jpg

It has given me a structure to plan the life changes I am working on and a wonderful group of people who consistently cheer me on (and up!).

When writing out my long term aspirations, some of the key areas for me were:

To have found a way to help others, rather than just through my paid work

To be remembered as someone who inspired others

To have made a difference in the world, in some way

So, that’s why I’m here.  I love the questions I receive on Instagram and wanted to find a way to interact with you in more detail.  I don’t have all the answers and I don’t consider myself an expert, but I’ve found something that works for me.

I no longer google ‘why am I so tired’.  I feel I have a purpose and that fills me with enough energy and enthusiasm for every single day.

“We overestimate what we can achieve in one day, but underestimate what we can achieve in our lifetime”

Bujo Poem
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